1. Skin Biology and Care
1.1 The epidermis function and anatomy
1.2 The Dermis function and anatomy
1.3 Skin Aging Process
1.4 Skin Care Best Practice Recommendations
1.5 Skin Moisturization Best Practice Recommendations
2. Dermatologic Diseases in the long-term population
2.1 Common diseases encountered
2.2 Exanthem formation and diagnosis
2.3 Treatment of exanthems
3. Wound Science and Healing
3.1 Cellular biology of wound formation
3.2 Cellular biology of wound healing
3.3 Phases of wound healing
3.4 Barriers to wound healing
3.5 Chronic wound biology
4. Patient Assessment, Wound Assessment
4.1. History & Physical
4.2. Risk Assessment for pressure injury
4.3. Clinical Exam
4.4. Wound Assessment and Documentation
4.5. Governmental Policy in wound care
5. Pressure Injury
5.1. Background
5.2. Etiology
5.3. Risk Factors for the Development of Pressure Injury
5.4. Pressure Injury Identification and Staging
5.5. Anatomic areas affected by pressure injury
5.6. Deep Tissue Pressure Injury
5.7. Stage 1 Pressure Injury
5.8. Stage 2 Pressure Injury
5.9. Stage 3 Pressure Injury
5.10 Stage 4 Pressure Injury
5.11 Unstageable Pressure Injury
5.12 Medical Device Pressure Injury
5.13 Mucosal Membrane Injury
5.14 Periwound Management
5.15 The Main Elements of Treating a Pressure Injury
5.16 Skin Tears
5.17 Payne Martin Classification of Skin Tears
5.18 Treatment of Skin Tears
5.19 Abrasions
6. Debridement
6.1. Heel Ulcers
6.2. Debridement Indications
6.3. Debridement Types
6.4. Contraindications to Debridement​
7. Dressing Choice and Support Surfaces
7.1. Support Surface Types and Selection
7.2. Theory and Science of Wound Dressings
7.3. Dressing Types
7.4. Dressing Selection and Best Practice Principles
8. Peripheral Arterial Disease & Ulcers
8.1. Pathophysiology
8.2. Assessment
8.3. Physical Exam
8.4. Diagnosis
8.5. Treatment
9. Venous Stasis Ulcers
9.1. Pathophysiology
9.2. Assessment
9.3. Physical Exam
9.4. Diagnosis
9.5. Treatment
10. Diabetic Wounds
10.1. Pathophysiology
10.2. Assessment
10.3. Physical Exam
10.4. Diagnosis
10.5. Treatment
11. Gastrostomy Tube/Ostomy Formation Management and Care
11.1 Assessment
11.2 Complications
11.3 Treatment
12. Nutrition
12.1 Relation to wound healing
12.2 Diet
12.3 Vitamin supplementation
12.4 Long-term care considerations
13. Infection
13.1 Types
13.2 Diagnosis
13.3 Vitamin supplementation
13.4 Treatment
14. Surgery & Alternative Treatment Modalities
14.1 Surgical options for wounds
14.2 Alternative Treatment Modalities for wound healing